Karen Igoe No Comments

The Covid-19 Business Financial Planning Grant is a new support for Enterprise Ireland clients and those manufacturing or internationally traded services companies that employ 10 or more full time employees.

The grant is designed to help companies to develop a robust financial plan, including the preparation of documentation required to support  applications for external finance from banks and/or other finance providers (including Enterprise Ireland).

We are on Enterprise Ireland’s approved panel of Consultants for the Grant which will give 100% funding of up to €5,000 to the Company towards our fees in helping them to put a plan in place to assess the impact of Covid-19. EI will then use that plan to see if they can assist through their other supports such as the Sustainability fund etc.

It also allows us to work with the Enterprise Ireland team to identify and obtain the right funding package for the Company.

I’ve attached a link to details of the grant below: